Sunday, February 12, 2012

Help mee.!?

Ok so two of my best friends went out with this guy that i like

he likes me too but my 2 friends cant stand himm

i really like him alot

but my friends are my life

what should i doo

Thank yew!

Help mee.!?
if your friends really love you, they will understand how you feel about that guy. depends if your frends know that youre liking hiim and if they are true frends then theyll support you despite everything.
Reply:omg im in the smae sitch ! well dk im still trying to get that answer rite now !
Reply:omg i was in the same situation. sit down with your friends and let them explain what he did to them that makes them not like him anymore. if you're sure he wouldnt do the same thing OR if you dont mind what theyre saying; go for him!
Reply:omg same thing happened 2 me bakk in september. wats happened since:

me and the guy hav been together twice

ive gotten bttr friends

but ive remained sorta close w/ the old friends

good luck, every relationship is different
Reply:Sinple create a company of ur own
Reply:Go out with him. Since your friends dont like him. Only if they dont have a problem with it.
Reply:well, if u like him, then go out w/ him, if they are really ur friends they shouldn't mind, cause they also had a chance w/ him 2, so u should 2
Reply:Explain to your friends that their friendship means the world to you. Tell them you want to go out with this guy to find out what he's like. Leave it at that.
Reply:If you like him and ur friends don't then just fight ur friends. Like just still be there friends but don't listen to them saying that a guy sucks and u like him. It has happened with me before. I am only 11 years old.
Reply:Friends alst a life a cursh alsts a while

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