Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Scared about sex?

Ive just turned 16 and my girlfriend is hinting for us to have sex.

We will obviously be using protection but I am scared that I do not please her or I am not big enough.

She has had another sexual partner before but this is my first time.. Any advice??

Thanks yew xx

Scared about sex?
1) I would strongly like to recommend against NOT doing so as of yet; there is a maturity aspect that has not yet been addressed and there honestly is no big hurry to become sexually active

2) I also know that the afroementioned warning will not be heeded, so lets make this as safe for you as you can.

3) Take your time. This is going to be something very special so there is no reason to speed through it.

4) let her guide you and follow her lead.

5) Foreplay is crucial to everything.

6) Allow her to put on the condom for you, as it is very nice when she does that, and along those lines there will be a condom ON

7) make sure you have adequate time for all this and not just a "hurry up" thing.

Clean up when you are done and don't for get to thank her
Reply:everybody has a first time. of course your not going to be all that "good" cuz it is your "first" but just go with the flow. as long as you know how..then you should be fine
Reply:honestly the way i learned when i was that young was through porn. just watch some good porn non of the crazy freaky **** cause she will probably hink ur nuts cause ur young but just some normal stuff and it should teach u what u need to know no matter what size you are.
Reply:2 things:

1. everyone's bad their first time

2. let her take the lead and give you pointers. That'll get u ready if u go out with anyone else.
Reply:lol don't be scared

if she only had one other 'sexual partner' trust me, she's not THAT experienced, so you don't have to worry about anything

if anything, tell her it's your first time, girls usually find that cute =]

good luck!
Reply:just go with the flow, it will be very awkward for you but get through it, and dont worry about "it" being too small, because truley, high school girls dont really know what "big" is. Just make sure you get a good condom and not a cheapy because you dont want a child
Reply:just try , Good Luck and tell me how u did
Reply:Wait until you're a grown man who is NOT scared.
Reply:as long as you have protection, i would just try to enjoy it and have a memorable time! it's not just about her and I'm sure she wants to please you too. just try to relax, have a nice time, and don't worry too much about perfromance. if she really oves ro cares about you, she won't care too, too much about how good or big you are.

good luck and hope that helped a little! ;)
Reply:If she truly understands and respects you, she'll wait until you're ready. And size does NOT matter.
Reply:At 16 I would not. If you feel that concerned I don't think you are ready. And since girl friend other partners you need to make sure she doesn't already have something. Not to be rude but Condoms are not 100%. You need to protect your self from disease and from making a mistake you make regret when you are more mature.
Reply:ive been in ur position before....honestly, i was scared to DEATH which told me that i wasnt ready to do it. now im 17 and ive just recently done it with my bf for the first time and we've been together for a year and a half....trust me on this one, youll know when its the right time. just like everything else in the world (marriage, babies...) youll just know when ur ready. if you even remotely feel scared or nervous or just have ANY doubts in ur mind that shes not the one or anything, then its not ur time.....just take ur time. this isnt something to rush, no matter if shes pressuring you.
Reply:You lucky little turd! Oh how I wish I could be a fly on the wall when you do the deed! You are gonna love it!!!! Soooooo fun! Just take it slow, be patient with yourself and hang on!!
Reply:Talk to her and let her know that you've not done it before. It is inevitable for your first time to be awkward, so just let it happen, and the times after the first one will be smoother and better. It is also ok for you to ask her to guide you and tell you what feels good for her. Don't worry... you're not the only one who's scared about their first time. Everyone is scared and I'm sure you'll be fine.
Reply:Best to wait until you are married. Because first you see how you feel knowing that she has had others before you? Well, that may be how your wife to be will feel knowing that you have had others before her. Plus, why waste all the good times with someone that you may not be with you are ready for marriage?

Personally I wished I would of waited.
Reply:do not worry about those things just relax and have fun.
Reply:I would not reccommend this. You are only 16 think of all the bad things that could happen because of your choice. You have a lot of life ahead of you. Don't let one thing ruin it!

But if you decide to do it with her, she shouldn't care how you look or anything. She should love you the way you are.
Reply:dont worry about it, it comes naturally. if your that scared though, maybe u are not ready and u should tell her that. she will probably be okay with that, and if shes not then tough. just wait until u are ready.
Reply:If your this scared then I personally don't think your ready.
Reply:just go with the flow.........let her take the lead and be SAFE!!!!
Reply:First I am going to simply state that you shouldn't have sex at 16. I know, I know. Its an unpopular notion. Given the opportunity would I have done it at 16? I'm not going to comment partly because a 16 year old mind is not really equipped to make those kinds of decisions, and so whatever decisions I would have made at 16 don't apply to rational or sensible thinking.

But if you ARE going to do it, I guess protection is the ONLY answer. Yes, you should use it. As far as anxiety? Don't worry about it. I can tell you, and most people would agree, the 1st time is nothing spectacular except that its your first time. But its short and sweet. Extremely short and sweet. And it doesn't always all work, if you know what I mean. Normal part of the process.

Eventually things get better down the road.

Reply:Well if your not ready don't do it. This will lead you into peer presure! I think you should give it some thought before you do anything. And it sounds like you don't want to have it so might as well tell her, if she doesn't like you then she's not a real girlfriend.
Reply:um dont do it wait untill your married and this person will love you for who you are
Reply:you are coitophobic
Reply:just go full out the first time, and depending on her reaction, youll know how it went
Reply:Seriously, i think the truth is always the best way to go. Tell her it's your first time, and that you want some pointers on what will make it good for her. If your to embarrassed to ask her, then you two are not comfy enough to be having sex in the first place.
Reply:Do it now and be ashamed at 16 which is really not bad. Imagine if you're over 20 and a girl over 20 sees that you suck in bed! At least you'll have practice!

don't be scared

no matter what if she truely does love you she won't care how big you are or whatever

like i have the same feellings sometimes too

but my gf allways tells me that she knows it is goning to be amazing and i know it will be

oo and yes i am still a virgen too

and sh is too so i am kinda in the same boat as you so
Reply:well if you discuss the fact that your a virgin beforehand, and ask her to help you out/tell you what to do, if you have a good relationship it should be fine. nobody expects you to be perfect your first time.

that said...i think you're a bit young to be having sex, but i'm old-fashioned
Reply:Way too young to be having sex. Your girl sounds like she's going to have sex anyway though. Don't let her pressure you.
Reply:don't worry about it


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