Friday, January 27, 2012

When can you eat rhubarb?

When are yew allowed to eat rhubarb that yew've grown from your own garden? What colour does it have to be until yew can use it for eating or cooking?

When can you eat rhubarb?
Rhubarb is ripe when the stem is mostly red and shiny. Dull coloured stems are probably too tough. To harvest, grasp the stalk near the base and pull sharply. Cut off the leaves and spread them around the base of the plant. Nothing and no one can eat the leaves. Cut the blossom stalks as they form to keep the energy flowing to the roots.
Reply:all i know is that it looks a little purplish reddish on the stalk, and that is ok to eat.
Reply:when the stalks are long(18 plus inches) and red

you can eat it but it's sour.

try looking for some recipes like rhubarb jam, pies and so on.
Reply:You should allow the stalks to reach 10-15 inches long before you harvest. Color of the stalks varies with the cultivar. Old standby cultivars such as Victoria and Linneaus have green stalks that blush a little red near the base. More recent cultivars, such as Ruby, Valentine and Canada Red, have solid red stalks.


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