Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Wats the most embarassing thing that's happened to yew?

details plz...?

Wats the most embarassing thing that's happened to yew?
Well....One time I was over at my boyfriends house and we were supposed to be watching his eleven year old brother....but things happened and we went up to my boyfriends room...and in the midst his brother opened the door to ask if he could go to the park and he just stood there and we were like.close the door....and he was like uh.....um...can I...so we just shouted close the door

needless to say twenty bucks convinced him not to tell his parents.



jeenious LOVE the way you handled that!
Reply:in 3rd grade i was talking to my crush* and i tied myy shoe and when i stood up i lost my balance and fell into the recycling bin!!! right in front of him!!!!!!!!

Reply:its kind of hard to be embarrassed when i have absolutely no shame
Reply:Here is one of my many unfortunately funny/embarassing situations i seem to land in..... but its a good one.

So at work one day a few years ago I had to move a bunch of equipment. One of these being a rack-and-roll food holder. Its basically a holding cabinet to hold hot food in that is portable. Well this one was fairly heavy and I was the only one around to move it from. It was too big around to grab and as I said fairly heavy. So I decide to take my belt off and run it through the handles and belt it too my chest and grab underneath it and carry it on my back. Now this equipment was located at a center in my hometown where the ice skating rinks are located and open for public ice skating and lessons. So as I am walking like a freeekin turtle lugging this thing on my back I make it down the stairs and I am crossing the parking lot, which is full of parents dropping off their kids for skating. Well guess what happens. Yep, pants fall down. And it also happens to be "commando" day. So there I am waddling across a lot with this warmer on my back with my ummmm flag flying I will say. So everyone got a free show and I could only slightly trot to my vehicle get the thing off my back, pull up my jeans and just accept that that was crazy that that just happened. And of course, I embraced this "streak" of bad luck, and I took a bow and said next show tomorrow same time!! That was something....
Reply:Well, I've got a lot, but when I was about 11, I was pulling my sweatshirt off, and my T shirt got stuck to my sweater. You can guess what happened. Some people may not say it's a big deal, but it was my bra, I was rather chesty for my age, and there were boys around. I was also shy at that time.
Reply:almost every other day when i call my teachers mom or dad


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