Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What's the best way to kill a yew tree overhanging your property?

One is in a neighbours' garden, they like it but it has grown enormously since we moved in and blocks our only sea view from our only south-facing window. The others are in a strip of land between our property and another neighbour's garden, and I'm not sure the land actually belongs to them. They make the back of our house really damp and dark, and I don't imagine those neighbours like the trees, but because they are not affecting their house they're not interested in doing anything. But if I sabotaged the trees too obviously the unpleasant husband of the couple might become vindictive and complain. I have already tried killing one of those trees some weeks ago by peeling a strip of bark two or three inches high from the trunk just below our fence and rubbing weedkiller into it, but only half way around as the neighbours might see it. It shows little serious sign of dying.

Would drilling holes into the trunk and filling them with weedkiller help?

Please advise.

What's the best way to kill a yew tree overhanging your property?
You could try a hose pipe with saline solution but it may also kill other plants in the area. You could throw a few spade full of salt at the ground then hide with leaves.

Another larger scale project would be to get the local teenagers to play in your back garden making a well for you when you get to say 10ft below ground suggest a tunnel heading towards the Yew tree. When under the yew tree you can start your poison experiments.

The local scouts may like to dig your 'well' also. The more people involve the better.

Good luck
Reply:Bang a few rusty nails into the trunk...
Reply:LOL Thanks for the 2 points; hope neighbors' lawyer has Yahoo! Answers.

PS Ozzie I like your style! :)

Reply:DO NOT KILL TREES it is classed as vandalism and if they are protected you could be going against environmental laws. Get a professional gardener to cut it back, it brightens up your garden while still protecting the tree and doesn't look ugly when done properly. If you want the tree removed ask your local council for advice but don't go damaging other people's property just because you don't like it!
Reply:I'm not a tree hugger either, but I know yew trees can live for thousands of years. What right do you have to kill them during your 80 years on this earth?
Reply:Yew trees are notoriously difficult to kill. If you leave them alone they will never die. However, if these trees are growing on someone else's property then you have no right to cut them down, even if they do block your view. You might get sued if you cut them down. Maybe you should consult a legal professional and see what they say?
Reply:I have been in the horticultural / forestry industry for over 25 years, growing and killing trees. I can tell you the 100 percent successful, sneaky and yet undetectable method (short of forensic science) for killing any tree. It will require your neighbours to be away and probably best done at 2am when everyone is asleep. But I don't like your attitude to some of the kind folk who took the time to answer your question, so I won't. Just have some guts and talk to you neighbours. Thanks for the points.
Reply:NAZI SCUM! Oh wait... just trying to kill a yew... whew....

Talk to your neighbor- they're probably going to listen because their tree is over your property.

If that doesn't work just get a pole saw and trim the offending limbs.

If that's not good enough, go down... the roots are probably on your property too... you could always dig a little and find out... cut some roots and add some round up... probably wouldn't look too hot after that- but then you'd probably kill your grass and anything else around too.
Reply:Thats it Lady,lets kill everything just because they dont fit into YOUR view of the World, go and live in a tower block, where you belong!
Reply:Yay, go Ozzie!

Why kill the tree when you could cut it back so you can still enjoy your precious seaview from your precious south facing window? If everybody had the same idea as you, we'd all be in a sorry state!
Reply:You will have an hard job trying to kill any tree without first cutting it down, unless your at one with ivy or the African parasite tree. Pesticides will do nothing unless you put them directly into a cut trunk. just a thought but have you tried approaching your neighbour and explaining your predicament


You're surely capable of coming up with a better way other than KILLING to make your house better. Get a professional gardener to cut it down a bit, you can male it stay like that if you do it properly, so you only have to do it once a year, you can call the council and hey do it for FREE YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY.


Why do you think we're having this horrible weather lately?
Reply:OMG i have the same problem with my neighbours! There trees are coming over, one day i'm just gonna chop down what is not meant to be there! It shouldn't kill it. Go for it, do something, even talk to them about it, it's obviously a big issue to you ;-)
Reply:Well, as a nature lover and bit of a tree hugger... Why not just cut the part that is overlapping or just enjoy the beauty of nature in your garden? You could plant certain plants in your own garden that prevent trees and tree roots to grow in certain places. But before you do anything find out what the law says about killing someone elses tree. You could also invite all the neighbours who own the trees over to some coffee and discuss the issue. I'm sure you will work something out! :)
Reply:I'm sure you are not allowed to do this so don't but purely as a thought experiment i was told that knocking a large copper nail into the roots will poison the tree and kill it

or you could threaten them with a claim for subsidence unless they cut it down

or you could perfectly lawfully cut down any of it that overhangs your property although perversely you are supposed to return what you have cut down to them!

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