Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Who know where in runescape i can find yew tree"s?


Who know where in runescape i can find yew tree"s?
There's some yew tree's south of seers village near where the flax and beehives is
Reply:Thats quite a list

Varrok castle

Near the earth alter east of Varrok castle

South of Varrok near the Demon Circle

Edgeville Cemetery

South of Falador , on on each side of the gate

South of Melzars maze in Remington

In between Dreynor %26amp; Lumbridge in the woods.

For members there list is way too numerous to list.
Reply:When you go out of the falador south gate there is a yew tree by there.

And when you go north from the barbarian village to edgeville there are 2 there.

West of the castle in Lumbridge there are 3.

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